Shared Levitation
The Online Catalogue
Discover our specific way of the Shared Levitation Partnering in a structured form in order to nourish your own research and creative work.
Shared Levitation is a platform for performance and training in Contemporary Dance and Partnering. It is founded by Marion Sparber and Alan Fuentes Guerra.
Why the catalogue?
In the age of digitization, I would like to share our experiences with our founded platform "Shared Levitation" Partnering with all interested parties and invite them to dialogue. Through the Corona period and the social-distancing measurements associated with it, I notice how important touch and physical contact are for us as human beings and dancers.
There was a great lack of physical interaction during this long period of not meeting people nor teaching partnering workshops. More and more we lose access to each other, do not have to open ourselves up to others the same way we did before the pandemic and can communicate quickly and impersonally with distance through social media. But what about direct communication? Body with body, inner life with inner life?
Shared Levitation Workshop in Berlin, DE
Discover the Online Catalogue and get to know more about the principles of Shared Levitation Partnering.
Discover a selection of special practices: Lifting by hugging, Slowmotion Wrestling, 3 stages of plank and Baby-Koala.
See us in action and get a glimpse behind the scenes of our Workshops.
How can the Shared Levitation principles and philosophy be used to create a choreography?
We asked participants of the Shared Levitation Partnering workshop and Creation of choreographical work about their experiences.